Improve Financial Outcomes With AI and Accounting

Written by Amanda Bower    |    Published: May 11, 2023

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AI and accounting have been intertwined for quite some time, revolutionizing financial operations. With advancements in technology, we can expect the role of AI in accounting to continue to evolve and change the industry for the better. 

In this article, we’ll delve into AI’s current and future applications in accounting and explore how this powerful technology is shaping the future of financial operations. From automation to predictive analytics, AI is poised to transform accounting, delivering increased efficiency, accuracy, and growth opportunities. Let’s take a look at the history.

How has AI Already Impacted Accounting?

The 21st century is the era of automation, and accounting happens to be one of the most impacted industries. Artificial intelligence, alongside cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and block technology, is one of the most promising technologies of the future.

AI-powered software can automate tedious and time-consuming tasks, such as data entry, reconciliations, and invoice processing, freeing up accounting professionals to focus on higher-value tasks. Additionally, automation can reduce the risk of human error, improving the accuracy and reliability of financial reporting. It streamlines financial operations and makes them more efficient.

AI has enabled accountants to analyze and interpret large amounts of data in real-time, providing deeper insights and faster decision-making. Predictive analytics, a form of AI, allows accountants to make more accurate revenue and expense forecasts, identify cost-saving opportunities, and detect potential fraud. 

By leveraging AI-powered analytics, accounting professionals can better understand their clients’ financial health, enabling them to provide more tailored and impactful advice. With the increasing sophistication of AI technology, we can expect more insights and opportunities to arise in the accounting industry, further shaping the future of financial operations.

How Can AI and Accounting Work Together

Although AI may seem daunting, it shouldn’t be a source of fear for accountants. Recent studies show that most executives acknowledge that AI creates a competitive advantage and boosts the company’s productivity. They embrace it; they don’t shy away from it.

With that, here are various ways AI and accounting go together, like peanut butter and jelly.

1. Improved Productivity and Efficiency

AI’s most outstanding benefit for accountants is automating the mundane, repetitive tasks that form part of their day-to-day job. This gives accountants more time to carry out higher-value activities such as client relationships, strategic planning, and analysis. Also, AI systems can gather, sift, and organize vast volumes of data much faster than any human accountant.

2. Detection of Errors

Manually processing large volumes of data is inherently complex and increases the likelihood of unintentional mistakes. Humans are prone to making errors, which can significantly impact accounting outcomes. Even minor ones can cause significant delays. 

To identify and correct the errors, accountants must spend extra time reviewing their work again—a tedious task that can take hours or even days.

The solution is automating data entry through optical character recognition (OCR) technology, which enables computers to scan and source data from receipts, invoices, and other financial documents. This process is faster and more accurate than manual entry, making detecting anomalies easier.

3. Real-Time Compliance Monitoring

AI also holds great potential to make compliance faster and increasingly affordable. Since the technology can highlight inaccuracies and flag erroneous submissions in various financial documents, it significantly improves corporate compliance procedures, protecting the company and the client.

4. Speedy Data Analysis

Artificial intelligence can improve an accountant’s skill set by automating data analysis, leaving interpretation to humans. For example, instead of manually sampling data during audits, auditors can analyze entire ledgers in less than half the time it would take them to do the same using traditional methods.

AI can also quickly offer valuable insights into a business’s current and future status. And while humans may arrive at the same conclusion, it may take them countless hours to analyze the data.

5. Creation of New Opportunities

AI introduces numerous career opportunities that allow accounts to concentrate on higher-level tasks that require human insight. Therefore, accounting professionals willing to embrace the new face of accounting technology will take on more advanced roles. And with the Fourth Industrial Revolution fast approaching, accountants need to learn technology and artificial intelligence to remain relevant in the job market.

Why Is AI a Valuable Accounting Tool? 

The ability to use AI for data extraction makes the accountants’ work much more manageable and adds value that stretches beyond convenience. A good AI program makes an accountant’s role more efficient, saving them the hassle of carrying out tedious tasks such as data gathering and analyzing. This frees up time for the accountants to focus on important duties such as monitoring regulatory compliance and strategic financial development.

How Is ChatGPT Being Used? 

While it is highly likely that artificial intelligence technologies such as ChatGPT will significantly and permanently impact the accounting industry, it’s important to note that this technology is still in its early stages. As such, the full extent of its impact on accounting remains to be seen.

That said, here are six ways ChatGPT is being used in accounting:

  1. Processing invoices and categorizing expenses. ChatGPT can derive useful information from invoices, for example, invoice number, amount, and vendor details.
  2. Analyzing financial information. ChatGPT can accurately process financial data and produce various financial reports, thus helping businesses improve their decision-making.
  3. Automating data entry by using natural language processing (NLP) for interpreting invoices or receipts, reducing errors.
  4. Assisting with tax preparation by offering financial advice.
  5. Handling accounts receivable and payable. ChatGPT can automate most tasks, such as tracking payments and generating invoices.
  6. Generating a company’s financial projections through evaluating data to understand cash flow, revenue growth, and business expenses.

What Does the Future Look Like?

Accountants worldwide are witnessing the transformative power of artificial intelligence in their daily work. As they embrace this technology, they discover they can become more efficient and perform their roles more effectively. The combination of AI and accounting is driving a permanent shift in the role and importance of accountants, leading to an overall improvement in financial operations.

In light of these developments, businesses are increasingly seeking tech-savvy accountants who can keep pace with the fast-evolving landscape of the industry. While machines may perform tasks such as data entry, analysis, and forecasting, human accountants are still needed to interpret the results, explain their significance, and provide actionable insights to organizations. 

This requires accountants to possess unique technical expertise and strong communication skills. As such, future accountants must be adept at both translating technical data into accessible insights and providing top-notch advisory services.

Human Brain Power and Machine Brain Power Can Work Together

Will AI replace accountants? The answer is no. 

Although computers can be programmed to emulate the human mind, they cannot replace it entirely. Rather, they can enhance human performance by providing critical information and insights. 

Ultimately, businesses hire accountants for their unique skillset, including decision-making, creative thinking, and strategic planning. These competencies are key to driving growth and profitability and cannot be duplicated by machines.

Simply put, no matter how advanced technology gets, it will always require supervision. Integrating technology without sufficient planning or intention can result in potential risks. Therefore, organizations should strike a healthy balance between AI and accounting and maximize the two resources. 

We leverage these technology trends to help care for your most critical financial and accounting needs. By offering support and resources to companies of all sizes, our outsourced financial and tech startup accounting services help grow your company.

We have a variety of financial operations services available — contact us today to learn how we use the latest AI accounting technologies to transform your business.

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