Nonprofit Accounting

Amplify your impact with expert financial management

Your impact in fulfilling your mission is your bottom line, which makes your mission our own. From basic bookkeeping to complex compliance regulations, Hiline provides a custom finance operations system that's as transformative as your programs.

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Focus on change, not spreadsheets

We understand the unique nuances of nonprofit accounting and the limited capacity of small nonprofit teams. Let us handle the financial intricacies while you focus on making a difference.

Nonprofit pain point

"Our funding timeline is unpredictable!"

"These compliance reports are overwhelming!"

"Balancing staff needs with our budget is tough."

"Setting up the annual budget takes so much time!"

"How do we quantify our impact?"

The HilineOS Solution

Strategic financial planning for stable operations

Comprehensive reporting that ticks all the boxes

HR and payroll systems tailored to nonprofit realities

Annual budgeting done for you to set you up for success

KPI tracking that showcases your true value

The Hiline Solution

Nonprofit-focused accounting to support your mission

Cash Flow Mastery

Turn funding uncertainty into fiscal confidence

Partner with a Hiline advisor to craft a robust financial strategy. Navigate funding ebbs and flows with ease, ensuring your nonprofit's financial foundation remains unshakeable.

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Comprehensive Financial Reporting

Ditch compliance troubles for good

From financial controls to IRS filings, we've got you covered. Our reporting solutions ensure you meet all regulatory requirements while showcasing your program's impact through clear, compelling KPIs.

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Efficient Payroll and HR Services 

Happy team,
healthy budget

Navigate the complexities of grant-regulated staffing with ease. Our user-friendly HR and payroll system helps you allocate resources wisely, track time efficiently, and keep your team paid and motivated.

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Annual budget Support

Put all the pieces into place

Annual budgeting sets you up for success for the entire year, but it's time consuming and you run on a small team. We get how important this is! So, Hiline takes care of your annual budget for you for free when you sign up for any accounting package.

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Your complete
accounting solution

Bring all your finance operations under one roof and master the complex world of nonprofit accounting.