Spend Management

Empower your team, control your expenses

Take charge of your expenses while empowering your team to operate efficiently. Hiline's automated spend management system prevents unauthorized expenses, maintains budgets, and keeps your cash flow under control – all while preserving employee trust and autonomy.

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You're running a business, not a surveillance operation

As a business leader, your focus should be on growth and strategy, not micromanaging every credit card charge. Let’s implement a system that gives you control without the cognitive load of constant oversight.

Financial pain point

Where's all our department spend going?"

"Sorry, we went over budget again."

"I'm STILL waiting on that approval."

"Why can't department heads just pay their own invoices?"

The HilineOS Solution

Automatic spend tracking through a unified finance operations system

Pre-set, pre-authorized budgets with real-time tracking

Empowered employees spending within a controlled environment

Company-issued virtual or physical cards with preset limits

Prevent unauthorized expenses forever

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Blind spots in your cash flow

When your spend data is scattered across multiple systems, you're flying blind. Our unified system gives you a clear view of your cash flow, allowing you to make informed decisions in real-time.

Centralized spending inefficiency

When all purchases funnel through one person or department, you create a bottleneck and foster frustration. Our solution distributes responsibility safely, improving efficiency and morale.

Budget blowouts that become the norm

Without proper controls, budgets become suggestions rather than rules. Our system enforces budgets while providing flexibility, ensuring you stay on track without stifling operations.

Approval bottlenecks that slow you down

In a fast-paced business environment, waiting for approvals can kill momentum. Our streamlined process keeps things moving without sacrificing control.

Ready for spend
management mastery?
Illustration of a bird
The Hiline Solution

The most intuitive spend management system ever

Comprehensive Spend Visibility

Track and improve cash flow with ease

Our team guides you through a seamless setup of our intuitive spend management system. Once in place, you'll have a centralized platform to track, analyze, and optimize your cash flow in real-time.

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Smart, proactive Budget Control

Where flexibility meets fiscal responsibility

Take control of spending before it happens. Set intelligent budgets that allow team members to operate within predefined limits. Need an exception? Our system makes it easy to request and approve changes without losing control.

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Empowered Teams, Protected Bottom Line

Slash approval delays, boost your team’s productivity

Give your employees the power to make necessary purchases within approved parameters. You maintain peace of mind, everyone saves time, and your business moves faster. For spending outside preset categories or limits, our customizable approval workflows kick in automatically.

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Virtual and Physical Card Issuance

Streamlined spending for minimal hassle

Equip your team with company-issued physical or virtual payment cards. Managers keep operations smooth, your AP team's workload decreases, and you maintain complete visibility and control over all transactions.

a drawing of a credit cards